This test post was generated using the block theme Emptytheme in WordPress 6.1.1.
H1 Heading
H2 Heading
H3 Heading
H4 Heading
H5 Heading
H6 Heading
- List
- List
- List
- List
- List
- List
Quote block
classic block
The code block starts with
<!-- wp:code -->
<?php echo 'Hello World'; ?>
Preformatted block
table cell | table cell two |
table cell three | table cell four |
header label one | header label two |
table cell | table cell two |
table cell three | table cell four |
footer label one | footer label two |
Verse block
If you do not add a link, a link tag without an anchor will be used.
Check to make sure that the text wraps correctly when the button has more than one line of text, and when it is extra long.
Buttons have three styles:
If the theme has a custom color palette, test that background color and text color settings work correctly.
Now lets test how buttons display together with large texts.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec mollis. Quisque convallis libero in sapien pharetra tincidunt. Aliquam elit ante, malesuada id, tempor eu, gravida id, odio.
Maecenas suscipit, risus et eleifend imperdiet, nisi orci ullamcorper massa, et adipiscing orci velit quis magna. Praesent sit amet ligula id orci venenatis auctor. Phasellus porttitor, metus non tincidunt dapibus, orci pede pretium neque, sit amet adipiscing ipsum lectus et libero. Aenean bibendum. Curabitur mattis quam id urna.
Vivamus dui. Donec nonummy lacinia lorem. Cras risus arcu, sodales ac, ultrices ac, mollis quis, justo. Sed a libero. Quisque risus erat, posuere at, tristique non, lacinia quis, eros.
Neither of these paragraphs care about politics, but this one is bold, medium sized and has a drop cap.
This paragraph is centered.
This paragraph prefers Jazz over Justin Timberlake. It also uses the small font size.
This paragraph has something important to say: It has a large font size, which defaults to 36px.
The huge text size defaults to 46px, but the size can be customized.
This paragraph is colorful, with a red background and white text (maybe). Colored blocks should have a high enough contrast, so that the text is readable.
Below this block, you will see a single image with a circle mask applied.
Ordered list
- The software should be licensed under the GNU Public License.
- The software should be freely available to anyone to use for any purpose, and without permission.
- The software should be open to modifications.
- Any modifications should be freely distributable at no cost and without permission from its creators.
- The software should provide a framework for translation to make it globally accessible to speakers of all languages.
- The software should provide a framework for extensions so modifications and enhancements can be made without modifying core code
Unordered list
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
Cover block with background image
The file block has a setting that lets us show or hide a download button with editable text:
Video blocks have settings for showing and hiding the playback controls. Use autoplay and playback controls responsibly.
The video block below is muted and has a poster image that displays before the video starts:
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